Matter of fact No fact No matter Who do you suspect Who is not afraid to die Who would tell such a lie Who runs away Who do we fear?
Somebody just like you gonna rape and strangle you? Would you mutilate yourself? And who would be so shocked by the brutal murder of a killer?
Will there be hundreds mourning for you? Will they talk of the talent and inspiration you gave? No Who besides your mother will stand in sorrow at your grave?
Mother may I? Momma Mia
I'll see ya I'll see ya I'll see ya
I can't see I can't see I can't see I can't see
It's dark here No direction Just aggrivation Aggrivation over losing you To who No justice No clue
And the core of this agitation is my aggrivation Yeah the core of this aggitation is my aggrivation I come down and upon despration I crawl inside and look out
Look out Look out
I can't see I can't see I can't see.
Some things don't come full circle Circle Circle
Pace Pace Pace We walk in place
No fact No matter Society did this to you? Does society have justice for you? Well if not I do
Because the core of this aggitation is my aggrivation Yeah the core of this aggitation is my aggrivation I come down and upon desperation I crawl inside and look out
I can't see I can't see I can't see I can't see I can't see
Socitey did this to you? Does society have justice for you? If not I Do